Wednesday 10 September 2008

Testosterone Administration To Men With Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome After External Beam Radiotherapy For Localized Prostate Cancer

� - Dr. Alvaro Morales and associates from the Centre for Applied Urological Research, reported on the first study on testosterone deficiency syndrome (TDS) in men treated with radiotherapy for prostate genus Cancer. Five work force with clinically localized CaP were prospectively studied. The mean Gleason sum was 7 and mean PSA level in front radiotherapy was 12.8ng/ml. The meanspirited PSA earlier testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) was 0.3ng/ml.

All five hands had symptoms of TDS and deuce chose intramuscular injections of testosterone, ane oral replacement and two used transcutaneous patches. Testosterone levels ahead TRT were 5.3 and at last inspect were 17.6. The duration of follow-up was 14.6 months. One man had a short-lived PSA increase, but none had levels of >1.5ng/ml.

All patients had marked responses in the symptoms of TDS, foursome with reduced hot flashes, decreased fatigue and improved libido, and two reported improved erectile function. One man discontinued therapy due to headaches. Four manpower had an improvement in sexual stake, but none recovered satisfactory erectile function with testosterone alone. A phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor was successful in tierce men. The best overall symptom improvements were in hot flashes and fatigue. This paper is hypothesis-generating for larger studies to address this issue.

Morales A, Black AM, Emerson LE

BJU Int. 2008 Jul 29. Epub ahead of print.


Reported by Contributing Editor Christopher P. Evans, MD, FACS

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